It’s common knowledge among experienced riders: you need good quality hearing protection. Exposure to noise levels of 95 to 105 dB, quite common during motorcycle riding, for even a short period of only 15mins may already cause permanent hearing damage. Hearing protection is very efficient in preventing this hearing damage, but only when the fit and material used is of excellent quality.
Full frequency reduction
This is where the new Pinlock® earplugs excel. Pinlock®, acknowledged as a leading brand in safety products, has developed this new innovative hearing protection especially for motorcycle use, manufactured in The Netherlands by specialists to ensure premium quality. They differ from universal type hearing protection in the clever way the integrated precision filters brings the wind noise while riding down to a safer level, without causing a muffled or unnatural hearing experience. This advanced filter allows normal conversation without filtering important traffic sounds like sirens, horns or approaching vehicles.
Clever design
The new Pinlock® earplugs are competitively priced and come as a complete set with two different sized plugs to offer a custom, all-day comfortable fit to almost every rider. Cleverly designed for motorcycle use, Pinlock® earplugs will stay fixed when the helmet is put on or taken off. Absolutely silicone free material is used to prevent allergic reactions. The Pinlock® Earplugs are washable and packed in a convenient hard-case which not only keeps your Pinlock® Earplugs free from dirt and debris, but also serves as a key and card holder.